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Do you know someone who would love to join the Rosie & Rosie community?
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Fill in the form below to introduce someone to Rosie & Rosie
You’ll be notified if the person you referred signs up to Rosie & Rosie within 6 months
Receive your $200 gift card once the person referred has been onboard for 2 months
- To be eligible for the program, referrers can submit referrals via the form on https://rosieandrosie.com.au/referral/
- Referrers can make as many referrals as they choose. However, referrals should only be shared with personal connections that will appreciate receiving these invitations. Referrals should not be submitted where there is no reasonable basis for believing that the referee would benefit from being introduced to Rosie & Rosie.
- Referrals are not valid where the referrer and the referee are one and the same person.
- Only qualified referrals are eligible.
- The Rosie & Rosie referral program was launched September 2020. All qualified referrals are gained from this date onwards. Any referrals prior to this date will not be considered.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Qualified referrals”]
- The referral is qualified when the referee is a potential landlord who has never been part of the Rosie & Rosie community in any way, shape or form.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”How the program works”]
- To be eligible for the reward, the referee must be a qualified referral who becomes a Rosie & Rosie landlord within 6 months of the referral date.
- The reward will be forwarded to you, the referrer, within 30 days of the referee being an active Rosie & Rosie landlord for 2 months.
- An active Rosie & Rosie landlord is defined as a client who has signed and commenced a minimum 12 month management agreement with Rosie & Rosie.
- There will be no rewards for Rosie & Rosie landlords referred outside 6 months of the referral date.
- The reward is a $200 AUD gift card. At the time of referral submission, the referrer can choose from Bunnings, JB Hi-Fi, Westfield or Endota Spa gift cards. If the reward is unavailable, Rosie & Rosie reserves the right to substitute the reward for a reward of equal or greater value.
- Prizes are not redeemable for cash or credit.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Privacy”]
- Respecting your privacy is a priority for us. Please see Rosie & Rosie’s privacy policy for further details.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Updates to the terms”]
- The terms and conditions of this program are subject to change at any time without notice. This program may also be changed, suspended or terminated at Rosie & Rosie’s discretion without notice.